The level of support that a child with intellectual disability requires differs, in part, according to the nature and severity of the intellectual disability, but the majority of CWIDs require care and supports beyond that provided to typically developing children.

Amizero y’Ubuzima Organization uses its trained staff to support parents of children with significant intellectual disability (i.e., severe to profound intellectual disability or profound and multiple disability) in their own homes and families. Those benefit from informal and formal home-based intervention, functional behavior assessment, group or individualized parent education services, and supports to address their child’s needs but may also benefit from learning skills to mediate the impact of caring for a child with a significant disability.

We make parents understand that they have unique influence on their child’s acquisition of new skills through their continual and powerful presence in their child’s life. In addition, parent acquisition of relevant skills. This aims at decreasing stressful parent-child interactions during family routines and increasing their child’s independence.